
When I was growing up I loved books with animal characters like Charlotte’s Web and Watership Down. I was looking for a book for lower school English students that contained values and attitudes they could study and aspire to, while at the same time took them away from the everyday.


Bilby, a soft and gentle marsupial is enslaved by an evil rat colony, until through a terrible twist of fate, he meets Essy - a happy-go-lucky snail. Menaced by the evil rat Fisck, who is determined to kill them, the pair escape the rats and undertake a perilous journey from the wet South West forests of Western Australia, through a capital city, and into the red centre of spinifex country. Pursued by their enemies the two unlikely friends are on a dangerous race against time as they search for somewhere safe they can call home.

Purchase Bilby from 

The inspiration behind 'Bilby'. 

Years before when working as a journalist I had met a snail farmer who had tiny electric copper wires around her snail paddocks “to stop the mice pinching her stock”.  I knew I needed to write the story of those snails, and those rustling mice, and out of that came ‘Bilby’.

Some of the many letters and illustrations sent from Children who've read Bilby

Coming in 2017. 

"Scarab" - A time Travelling Fantasy Trilogy. 

Scarab is the story of Megan Price, a small-town West Australian girl from a dysfunctional family who finds herself transported into Ancient Egypt. Her dreams of pyramids and a wonderfully exotic life are soon shattered when she meets the handsome and mysterious Franklin and finds herself caught up in dark mystery that has the potential to destroy her and all those she has grown to love.

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